Greinar | Articles

Hér fyrir neðan eru tenglar á fyrirlestra, viðtöl og greinar eftir Vilhjálm Svansson. Bætt verður við efni eftir föngum.

🇩🇰 Her findes der links til foredrag, interviews og artikler af Vilhjálmur Svansson. Listen bliver opdatered efterhånden.

🇬🇧 Here below are links to lectures, interviews and articles by Vilhjálmur Svansson. More material to be uploaded to this site in the future.



Keldnalandið og Tilraunastöð Háskóla Íslands í meinafræði
Grein í Bændablaðinu 2. júlí 2021 eftir Sigurbjörgu Þorsteinsdóttur og Vilhjálm Svansson um Keldur og Keldnalandið og möguleg áhrif þeirra áforma sem uppi eru um breytta landnotkun.


Veirur í dýrum á Íslandi
Fræðsluerindi flutt í april 2014 á Tilraunastöð H.Í. í meinafræði að Keldum
Hljóðupptaka og myndaglærur


Smitsjúkdómastaða íslensks búfjár.
Fræðsluerindi flutt í febrúar 2014 á Tilraunastöð H.Í. í meinafræði að Keldum
Hljóðupptaka og myndaglærur.


Er smitsjúkdómastöðu íslensks búfjár ógnað af innflutningi á hráu kjöti?
Hljóðupptaka og myndaglærur.
Frétt um fyrirlestur í Bændahöllinni á Bó

Okkur ber skylda til að verja búfjárstofna okkar
Bændablaðið 21. mars 2013. Um innflutning á hráu kjöti. Viðtalsgrein.


Fá folöld vörn gegn sumarexemi með broddmjólkinni?
Grein í Bændablaðinu 13. desember 2012 eftir Sigurbjörgu Þorsteinsdóttur og Vilhjálm Svansson.

Engar forsendur eru fyrir breyttu fyrirkomulagi á innflutningi gæludýra hingað til lands.
Grein í Bændablaðinu nóvember 2012 eftir Eggert Gunnarsson og Vilhjálm Svansson

Sumarexem smámýsofnæmi í íslenskum hestum – meðferðarúrræði í augsýn.
Grein í Bændablaðinu 2. febrúar 2012 eftir Vilhjálm Svansson og Sigurbjörgu Þorsteinsdóttur



Ritrýndar vísindagreinar – Reviewed articles



Comparison of recombinant Culicoides allergens produced in different expression systems for IgE serology of insect bite hypersensitivity in horses of different origins. Sigridur Jonsdottir, Sigurbjorg Torsteinsdottir, Vilhjalmur Svansson, Johannes Gudbrandsson, Sara Bjork Stefansdottir, Jon Mar Bjornsson, Arna Runarsdottir, Eliane Marti. Vet Immunol Immunopathology (2021) Jun 21;238

Isolation of equid alphaherpesvirus 3 from a horse in Iceland with equine coital exanthema.
Thorsteinsdóttir L, Guðmundsson GÖ, Jensson H, Torsteinsdóttir S, Svansson V.
Acta Vet Scand. (2021) Feb 2;63(1):6

First Report of Resistance to Ivermectin in Parascaris univalens in Iceland.
Martin F, Svansson V, Eydal M, Oddsdóttir C, Ernback M, Persson I, Tydén E.
J Parasitol. (2021) Jan 1;107(1):16-22


Cul o 2 specific IgG3/5 antibodies predicted Culicoides hypersensitivity in a group imported Icelandic horses. Fahad Raza, Renata Ivanek, Heather Freer, Dania Reiche, Horst Rose, Sigurbjörg Torsteinsdóttir, Vilhjálmur Svansson, Sigríður Björnsdóttir, Bettina Wagner. BMC Veterinary Research (2020) 16:283

Deiminated proteins and extracellular vesicles – novel serum biomarkers in whales and Orca. Bergljot Magnadottir, Igor Kraevc, Vilhjalmur Svansson, Sigrun Langed. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics In press. Available online 20 February 2020.

Deiminated proteins and extracellular vesicles as novel serum biomarkers in pinnipeds: Grey seal (Halichoerus gryptus) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Magnadottir B, Uysal-Onganer P, Kraev I, Svansson V, Skirnisson K, Lange S. Biochimie, February 2020


New Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses. Sigridur Jonsdottir, Vilhjalmur Svansson, Antonia Fettelschloss-Gabriel, Sigurbjorg Torsteinsdottir, Eliane Marti. Current Dermatology Reports 2019, Volume 8, 4:303–312

The effect of maternal immunity on the equine gammaherpesvirus type 2 and 5 viral load and antibody response. Lilja Thorsteinsdóttir, Sigríður Jónsdóttir, Sara Björk Stefánsdóttir, Valgerður Andrésdóttir, Bettina Wagner, Eliane Marti, Sigurbjörg Torsteinsdóttir, Vilhjálmur Svansson. PLoS One. 2019 Jun 21;14(6.

MHC haplotype diversity in Icelandic horses determined by polymorphic microsatellites. Holmes CM, Violette N, Miller D, Wagner B, Svansson V, Antczak DF. Genes Immun. 2019 May 9. doi: 10.1038/s41435-019-0075-y. [Epub ahead of print]


A prospective study on insect bite hypersensitivity in horses exported from Iceland into Switzerland. Torsteinsdottir S, Scheidegger S, Baselgia S, Jonsdottir S, Svansson V, Björnsdottir S, Marti E. Acta Vet Scand. 2018 Nov 3;60(1):69.

Barley produced Culicoides allergens are suitable for monitoring the immune response of horses immunized with E. coli expressed allergens. Jonsdottir S, Stefansdottir SB, Kristinarson SB, Svansson V, Bjornsson JM, Runarsdottir A, Wagner B, Marti E, Torsteinsdottir S. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2018 Jul;201:32-37

Longitudinal analysis of allergen-specific IgE and IgG subclasses as potential predictors of insect bite hypersensitivity following first exposure to Culicoides in Icelandic horses. Ziegler A, Hamza E, Jonsdottir S, Rhyner C, Wagner B, Schüpbach G, Svansson V, Torsteinsdottir S, Marti E. Vet Dermatol. 2018 29(1):51


Genomic Dissection of an Icelandic Epidemic of Respiratory Disease in Horses and Associated Zoonotic Cases. Björnsdóttir S, Harris SR, Svansson V, Gunnarsson E, Sigurðardóttir ÓG, Gammeljord K, Steward KF, Newton JR, Robinson C, Charbonneau ARL, Parkhill J, Holden MTG, Waller AS. MBio. 2017 Aug 1;8(4)

Neonatal Immunization with a Single IL-4/Antigen Dose Induces Increased Antibody Responses after hallenge Infection with Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1) at Weanling Age.
Wagner B, Perkins G, Babasyan S, Freer H, Keggan A, Goodman LB, Glaser A, Torsteinsdóttir S, Svansson V, Björnsdóttir S. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 3;12(1)


Oral administration of transgenic barley expressing a Culicoides allergen induces specific antibody response. Jonsdottir S, Svansson V, Stefansdottir SB, Mäntylä E, Marti E, Torsteinsdottir S. Equine Vet J. 2016 Nov 17

Establishment and characterization of fetal equine kidney and lung cells with extended lifespan. Susceptibility to equine gammaherpesvirus infection and transfection efficiency. Thorsteinsdóttir L, Torsteinsdóttir S, Svansson V. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2016 Sep;52(8):872-7

A preventive immunization approach against insect bite hypersensitivity: Intralymphatic injection with recombinant allergens in Alum or Alum and monophosphoryl lipid A. Jonsdottir S, Svansson V, Stefansdottir SB, Schüpbach G, Rhyner C, Marti E, Torsteinsdottir S. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2016; 172:14-2


Antibody and cellular immune responses of naïve mares to repeated vaccination with an inactivated equine herpesvirus vaccine. Wagner B, Goodman LB, Babasyan S, Freer H, Torsteinsdóttir S, Svansson V, Björnsdóttir S, Perkins GA. Vaccine. 2015 Sep 16. pii: S0264-410X(15)01253-0. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.09.009. [Epub ahead of print]

Developing a preventive immunization approach against insect bite hypersensitivity using recombinant allergens: A pilot study. Jonsdottir S, Hamza E, Janda J, Rhyner C, Meinke A, Marti E, Svansson V, Torsteinsdottir S. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2015 Jul 15;166(1-2):8-21. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2015.05.002. Epub 2015 May 15.


Validation and evaluation of VapA-specific IgG and IgG subclasses ELISAs to identify foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia: VapA-specific IgG(T) ELISA outperforms other VapA-specific IgG subclasses when used to identify foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia. Sanz M, Oliveira A, Loynachan A, Page A, Svansson V, Giguère S, Horohov DW. Equine Vet J. 2014 Sep 25. doi: 10.1111/evj.12363. [Epub ahead of print]

Analysis of the history and population structure of the Icelandic horse using pedigree data and DNA analyses. Hreiðarsdóttir, Gunnfríður Elín, Thorvaldur Árnason, Vilhjálmur Svansson, and Jón Hallsteinn Hallsson. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 2014 27, 63-79


Serological markers of Bornavirus infection found in horses in Iceland. Björnsdóttir S, Agustsdóttir E, Blomström AL, Oström IL, Berndtsson LT, Svansson V, Wensman JJ. Acta Vet Scand. 2013 1;55:77.

Combining two serological assays optimises sensitivity and specificity for the identification of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi exposure. Robinson C, Steward KF, Potts N, Barker C, Hammond TA, Pierce K, Gunnarsson E, Svansson V, Slater J, Newton JR, Waller AS. Vet J. 2013 197(2):188-91.

Comparison of genetic diversity of equine gammaherpesviruses (γ-EHV) and isolation of a syncytium forming γ-EHV strain. Thorsteinsdóttir L, Torfason EG, Torsteinsdóttir S, Svansson V. Research in Veterinary Science 2013 94(1):170-7

Evaluation of a semi-nested PCR for detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum in samples from kidney, gill and ovarian fluid of Atlantic salmon broodfish. Árnason, Ivar Örn, Sunna Sigurðardóttir, Árni Kristmundsson, Vilhjálmur Svansson, Sigriður Gudmundsdóttir. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 2013 26, 49-57


Mutations in MITF and PAX3 cause “splashed white” and other white spotting phenotypes in horses. Regula Hauswirth, Bianca Haase, Marlis Blatter, Samantha A. Brooks, Dominik Burger, Cord Drögemüller, Vincent Gerber, Diana Henke, Jozef Janda, Rony Jude, K. Gary Magdesian, Jacqueline M. Matthews, Pierre-André Poncet, Vilhjálmur Svansson, Teruaki Tozaki1, Lorna Wilkinson-White, M. Cecilia T. Penedo, Stefan Rieder & Tosso Leeb. PLoS Genetics 2012 8(4) e1002653

Fatal infection in two Icelandic stallions caused by Halicephalobus gingivalis (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Eydal M, Bambir SH, Sigurdarson S, Gunnarsson E, Svansson V, Fridriksson S, Benediktsson ET, Sigurdardóttir OG.  Vet Parasitol. 2012 25;186(3-4):523-7


Skin-infiltrating T cells and cytokine expression in Icelandic horses affected with insect bite hypersensitivity: A possible role for regulatory T cells. Heimann M, Janda J, Sigurdardottir OG, Svansson V, Klukowska J, von Tscharner C, Doherr M, Broström H, Andersson LS, Einarsson S, Marti E, Torsteinsdottir S.  Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2011 15;140(1-2):63-74


Isolation of equine gammaherpesvirus 5 (EHV-5) from an Icelandic horse. Thorsteinsdóttir, L., Torfason, E.G., Torsteinsdóttir, S., Svansson, V. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2010 22(3):420-3.


Immune response against equine gammaherpesvirus in Icelandic horses. Svansson, V., Roelse, M., Olafsdottir, G., Thorsteinsdottir, L., Torfason, E.G., Torsteinsdottir, S.  Vet Microbiol 2009 137, 363-368.


Study of equine herpesviruses 2 and 5 in Iceland with a type-specific polymerase chain reaction. Torfason EG, Thorsteinsdóttir L, Torsteinsdóttir S and Svansson V. Research in Veterinary Science 2008 85 605–611

In vitro analysis of expression vectors for DNA vaccination of horses. The effect of a Kozak sequence. Ólafsdóttir G, Svansson V, Ingvarsson S, Marti E and Torsteinsdóttir S. Acta Vet Scand. 2008 4;50:44

Report of the 3rd Havemeyer Workshop on Allergic Diseases of the Horse, Holar, Iceland, June 2007. Marti, E, Gerbera, V., Wilson A.D., Lavoie J.P., Horohov D., Crameri R., Lunn P., Antczak D., Björnsdóttir S., Björnsdóttir T.S., Cunningham F., Dérer M., Frey R., Hamza E., Horin P., Heimann M., Kolm-Stark G., Ólafsdóttir G., Ramery E., Russell C., Schaffartzik A., Svansson V., Torsteinsdóttir S., Wagner, B. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 2008 15;126(3-4):351-61.


Vaccination of sheep with Maedi-visna virus gag gene and protein, beneficial or harmful? Torsteinsdóttir, S. Carlsdóttir, H.M., Svansson, V., Matthíasdóttir, S., Martin, A.H., and Pétursson G. Vaccine 2007 25:6713-6720


Simultaneous mutations in CA and Vif of Maedi-Visna virus cause attenuated replication in macrophages and reduced infectivity in vivo. Gudmundsson B, Jonsson SR, Olafsson O, Agnarsdottir G, Matthiasdottir S, Georgsson G, Torsteinsdottir S, Svansson V, Kristbjornsdottir HB, Franzdottir SR, Andresson OS, Andresdottir V. J Virol. 2005 79(24):15038-42.

Mucosal vaccination with an attenuated maedi-visna virus clone. G.Pétursson, S. Matthíasdóttir, V. Svansson, V. Andrésdóttir, G. Georgsson, A.H. Martin, G. Agnarsdóttir, E. Gísladóttir, Steinunn Árnadóttir, S. Högnadóttir, S.R. Jónsson, Ó.S. Andrésson, S. Torsteinsdóttir. Vaccine 2005 2;23(24):3223-8.


Listeria monocytogenes in horses in Iceland. Gudmundsdottir KB, Svansson V, Aalbæk B, Gunnarsson E, Sigurdarson S. Vet. Rec. 2004 9:456-459

The vif gene of Maedi-Visna virus is essential of infectivity in vivo and in vitro. Kristbjörnsdóttir HB, Andrésdóttir VSvansson V, Torsteinsdóttir S, Mattíasdóttir S, Andrésson ÓS. Virology 2004 5;318(1):350-9.


Intratracheal inoculation as an efficient route of experimental infection with maedi visna virus. Torsteinsdóttir S, Matthíasdóttir S, Viðarsdóttir N, Svansson V, Pétursson G. Res. Vet. Sci. 2003 75:245-247


Comparative sequnce analyses of the attachment protein gene (H) of dolphin morbillivirus – is this novel virus the phylogenetically oldest morbilliviruses known today? Blixenkrone-Møller  M, Bolt G, Danneman-Jensen T, Harder T, Svansson V. Virus Research. 1996 40(1): 47-55


Infection studies with canine distemper virus in harbour seals. Svansson V, Blixenkrone-Møller M, Skírnisson K, Have P, Heje NI, Nielsen J,  Lund E. Arch. Virol. 1993 131: 349-359


Round table on morbilliviruses in marine mammals. Barrett T, Blixenkrone-Møller M, Domingo M, Harder T, Have P, Liess B, Örvell C, Osterhaus ADME, Plana J , Svansson V. Vet. Microbiol. 1992 33: 287-295

Studies on manifestations of natural CDV in a partly vaccinated urban dog population. Blixenkrone-Møller M, Svansson V, Have P, Örvell C, Appel M, Pedersen IR, HH, Henriksen P. Vet. Microbiol. 1992 37: 163-173

Antigenic relationship between field isolates of morbilliviruses from different carnivores. Blixenkrone-Møller M, Svansson V, Appel M, Krogsrud J, Have P, Örvell C. Arch. Virol. 1992 123: 279-294

Coronavirus infection in mink (Mustela vison). Serological evidence of infection with a coronavirus related to transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Have P, Moving V, Svansson V, Uttenthal Å, Bloch B. Vet Microbiol. 1992 31: 1-10.

Sero-epidemiological studies of morbillivirus infections in whales. Svansson V, Árnason A, Blixenkrone-Møller M. International Whaling Commission 1991 SC/F91/F22: 1-5


Sero-epidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Morbilliviren-Antikörpern in Blutproben von Robben und Walen. Svansson V, Blixenkrone-Møller M, Skírnisson K, St Aubin DJ, Árnason A, Have P. Außenstelle der Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel in Büsum am 28. und 29 Okt.’ 1991


Immunological relationships between phocid and canine distemper virus studied with monoclonal antibodies. Örvell C, Blixenkrone-Møller M, Svansson V, Have P. J. Gen. Virol. 1990 71: 2085-2092

Phocid distemper – a threat to terrestrial mammals? Blixenkrone-Møller M, Svansson V, Örvell C, Have P. Vet. Rec. 1990 127: 263-264


Infection studies in mink with seal-derived morbillivirus. Blixenkrone-Møller M, Svansson V, Have P, Bøtner A, Nielsen J. Arch. Virol. 1989 106: 165-170